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Bev Doolittle

Bev DoolittleBev Doolittle was born and raised in California. She graduated from the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles. She met her husband, Jay, at school, and they started married life with a painting trip to Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks-a portent of things to come. For the next five years, however, the Doolittle’s were engaged in advertising art and TV productions in Los Angeles.

"It paid well, but after a while I wasn't learning," Bev explains, "and we didn't like living in the city. We wanted to be close to nature, and we wanted to travel." They have now accomplished both. Their frequent travels and backpacking trips have covered the western United States, Canada, Baja California, and East Africa. They now live close to nature in California.

Bev Doolittle’s subject matter is provided by the out-of-doors. "I love nature," she says. "I try to look beyond the obvious and create unique, meaningful paintings depicting our Western wilderness and its inhabitants. I start with a concept and attempt to convey it through strong design coupled with detailed realism. I want people to think when they look at my paintings."

No RespectHer first two books, The Art of Bev Doolittle and New Magic, have between them over 500,000 copies in print. She and her publisher, The Greenwich Workshop®, have contributed over a million dollars in proceeds from sales of her prints to the national Wildlife Federation, the National Museum of the American Indian, the national Arbor Day Foundation, and most recently, the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.

The Earth Is My Mother

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