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Stereo Photography - Crossed-eye Viewing Directions

Note that this viewing method does not put any unusual strain on your eyes. It simply requires you to focus past the point your eyes are "looking" at. It may feel unusual at first. This is the same viewing method needed for looking at stereograms (those funny pictures you see in the mall where you stare at it and you see a dolphin or a something).

Hold your face about 24 inches from the screen.

Hold your finger about 8 inches from your nose.

Using your right eye (close left eye) line up the tip of your finger with the center of the left picture and just below it.

Using your left eye (close right eye) move your hand back and forth to line up the tip of your finger with center of the right picture and just below it.

Using both eyes focus on the tip of your finger (you will notice three fuzzy images in the background past your finger).

Shift your focus from the tip of your finger to the middle of the three images in the background and you will see the image in 3-D (your finger will now appear to be fuzzy). Move your finger out of the way to fully enjoy the view.

With practice you will be able to do this without using your finger.

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