
Doc Services

Quality Systems

Web Services

Quality System Documentation

Quality system documentation must be controlled to ensure that everyone accessing the documents is referencing the current version of each specific procedure. In a small company where the Quality System has few procedures and there are not a lot of people accessing them this can be accomplished with controlled hard-copy sets of the procedures. But, as the number of procedures, or the size of the company, increases this becomes increasingly more difficult to maintain. Therefore, an electronic documentation solution provides an easy to maintain system for ensuring that everyone accessing the documentation is accessing the current documents.

Setting up a web-based electronic documentation solution for Quality System documentation has many advantages.

  • There is only one set of Quality System documents - eliminating the need to update controlled copies throughout the company
  • Everyone has ready access to the documents right on their computer
  • Documents can be linked to each other - a procedure referencing another procedure can provide the link to that procedure
  • Documents can contain sound, animation, video, and any other media tools supported by the web
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