
Doc Services

Template Development
Data Collection
Technical Writing
Technical Illustration
Training Development
Information Delivery

Quality Systems

Web Services

Information Delivery

Delivery of the information can be done in a number of different ways, including; print, electronic (web, PDF, etc.), training, and video.

Printed Delivery

Printed delivery is the traditional approach to providing information. Once a document is created and laid out it is ready to be printed. There are a number of different options for printing depending on the type of document and its requirements.

  • Manuals are typically one color (black) on white paper, this lends itself well to using high-peed photocopiers (such as a Xerox Docutech). This allows printing of just the number of manuals needed. However, if the print run will be very large it may be economical to print manuals on an offset press.
  • Marketing material, such as brochures and data sheets, are typically multicolor. This generally requires printing on an offset press. However, if the print run will be small it may be economical to print these types of documents on a high-speed color photocopier.

Electronic Delivery

There are a number of different electronic delivery methods available. It is important to select the method that is most appropriate for your content and for your target audience.

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF) provides an easy way to deliver information electronically to any computer user. They don't need to have access to the Internet as the files can be delivered on a CD ROM, e-mail, or any other electronic delivery method.
  • Web delivery provides another way to deliver information electronically to computer users, but it requires that a user be connected to the Internet. This also provides the ability to ensure the most current content is always available.

Delivery Through Training

Training provides the opportunity to incorporate all of the other delivery methods and the ability to ensure that your target audience understands the material being presented through review and testing.

Delivery Through Video

While video might be incorporated into an electronic delivery of information using video as the only delivery method is significantly different. When using video as your main, or only, delivery method it must be carefully constructed to present all information in a logical sequence as it is typically not as easy to go back and review something as it is with other delivery methods.

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